November 10th - 13th 2022

meeting video

Welcome to Tarragona

Tarragona, formerly Tarraco, capital of the Roman Empire in the 1st century, organizes 20 centuries later, the international event Critical Care Data Analysis SUMMIT and Tarragona Datathon 2022.

Want to know more about querying databases?
Want to explore and analyze data to answer a clinical question?
Work with experts in clinical research and data science?
Want to have fun and get the datathon buzz?

Then..This is the right place and moment!
The event will be divided into the SUMMIT with round tables (10th and 11th, November) and Tarragona Datathon (12th and 13th, November)

Critical Care data Analysis

Steering Committee

Francesc Xavier Clos Claramunt

Francesc Xavier Cos Claramunt
Oficina de Suport a la Innovació i la Recerca / Direcció Gerencia. Institut Català de la Salut

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Xavier Serra Picamal

Xavier Serra Picamal
Oficina de Suport a la Innovació i la Recerca / Direcció Gerencia. Institut Català de la Salut

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Francisco Marín Luján

Francisco Marín Luján
Coordinador Unidad Formación y Docente. Gerencia Territorial /ICS.

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Leo Celi

Leo Celi
Laboratory of Computational Physiology Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Critical Data

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María Bodí Saera

María Bodí Saera MD,PhD
Head of Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII.

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Josep Gómez Álvarez

Josep Gómez Álvarez PhD
Biotechnologist and Data scientist of ICU Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII.

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Alejandro Rodríguez Oviedo

Alejandro Rodríguez Oviedo MD,PhD
Critical Care physician – Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII.

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